Until a few years ago it was believed that cerebral development was almost completed in the first years of life. Recent studies show that many brain areas develop throughout adolescence and even after. We know that the outside environment is crucial for brain development. If, in the initial months and years of life a child is not exposed to visual and auditory stimuli, the corresponding brain areas do not develop. A child who undergoes eye surgery at the age of three years for congenital cataract recovers full eye function but not the corresponding brain function (where images are processed), because this area was never stimulated. So, even if the child now sees a plane in the sky, he might actually try to grab it since the sense of depth (cerebral function) never developed. An elderly person who undergoes the same operation for cataract that developed in old age has no problem because the relative brain region formed when the person was young. Certain brain regions such as the prefrontal and parietal areas responsible for functions such as decision taking, inhibition, self-awareness and social planning continue to develop well into adolescence. For these areas, education is crucial and when this is impossible not only is the young person left without specific knowledge, but also the formation of specific areas no longer occurs and as in the case of congenital cataract and eyesight, can no longer change if in future the circumstances change. About 40% of children are without access to secondary education (Unicef data). However, these kids have easy access to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. So, for lack of education almost half of the children of the world are exposed to a triple negative effect on cerebral development: lack of knowledge + irreversible inhibition of specific brain areas + effects of drugs, smoking and alcohol which because of ignorance are taken without knowing the damage they cause.

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