n nature biodiversity helps guarantee that the response to environmental factors will be varied. If we only had one type of tree, say palm trees, the first time that temperatures fall below zero all palm trees would disappear and so good bye to all trees as well. Thanks to biodiversity we have many types of tree, each with its strengths and its vulnerabilities. If the temperature goes below zero even if sadly all the palm trees die, not all trees disappear. Biodiversity is an insurance policy which prevents nature from having all its eggs in one basket. If events are not absolutely catastrophic some eggs will survive and from here, we start off again. Some believe that the human mind functions in the same way. Experiences such as joy, sadness, fear, love, guilt, admiration are components of a human emotional ecosystem. These emotions are neither good nor bad just as pandas are not good or snakes bad. Emotional diversity would guarantee that our responses to the variety of emotional stimuli we are exposed to is adequate. The problem is that we attribute great importance (maybe too much) to being happy and to living only positive emotional experiences. This means that we run the risk of trees were palm trees the only existing tree. Experiencing anger, jealousy, anxiety means that we develop a range of psychological responses that is much richer than if we only experience positive emotions. Some insurance companies before accepting new clients for life policies ask about the person’s physical and mental health but then also want to know something about the positive and negative experiences of the last year. Winning a lottery, getting a job promotion, falling in love and winning a prize is not a good balance and so we go back to the palm trees. Such a client is a high risk for the company (risk of behavioral disorders) because too lucky. Parents and teachers can help children become ‘balanced’ by not promoting only positive emotional experiences and inhibiting all negative ones. Just as we would not tell a student not to be too happy for a good school grade because there will be poor ones to follow, we should avoid consoling someone for a bad mark because good marks will follow.

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