To be successful in life one should have goals, plan ahead and avoid getting distracted. Many researchers believe that this is a strategy that can backfire. First of all, it is easy to get your goals wrong. The most common error seems to be that we confuse what we really want with what various circumstances make us believe we want. Furthermore, until we reach our goal, we cannot say whether the achievement actually improved our life. We sometimes spend a huge amount of energy behind goals that at twenty years seem very important but at thirty no longer are what we want. Would you entrust the programs of your life to a twenty-year old? To live in function of objectives creates a hamster wheel mentality, and it is easy to become selfish, to cheat and search for short cuts. If you decide to run the marathon in six months starting from zero, you might easily get your preparation wrong since all you think about is the goal. And if you miss the goal the entire program is abandoned. If instead you reach your goal, for example to lose weight, you no longer have the drive to continue along the line. So, what do the researchers suggest? You must enjoy the journey more that the destination. You want to climb to the top of Mount Blanc? You must want the ‘climb’ part more than the ‘top’ part. What would you like to do in future? I would like to become a lawyer (wrong reply). I would like to study Law (correct reply). If it is the journey you want, then you can change route along the way if circumstances change without having to admit that you failed. Studying Law, you might decide you want to teach Law and that you are not really made to be a lawyer. The final goal is prepared along the way as you get to know the subject as well as yourself better.

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