Many young girls are ‘unhappy with their body’. The dissatisfaction can lead to a variety of problems amongst which anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Of the many therapeutic interventions, one in particular is gaining attention for its successful results. Girls ‘who feel uncomfortable with how they see themselves’ are asked to write two letters to themselves. In the first one they describe themselves as a friend, who knows them very well and is aware of their problems or limitations, would see them. The letter is written in a kind and friendly way. In the second letter the girls write to their body thanking it for all it does for them including that of helping them overcome everyday problems. The various body parts and organs are thanked for their specific services. They should thank their eyes for allowing them to see; their tongue because it helps speak, taste and swallow; their fingers, hands and so on. With guidance, the letters become ever more complex also because it would be unfair to leave some parts out, such as feet or nose, for what they do. The various letters become the subject of discussions at meetings amongst all the girls. The authors of the study don’t yet know if positive results are also lasting and if once the girls stop writing they will again be unhappy with their bodies. For the moment the doctor prescribes writing to yourself in friendship or to your body for 15 minutes a day, and maybe the postman will help solve your problem.

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