If you take the hand of someone who is suffering physical or psychic pain and whom you are fond of, not only will your heartbeats and breathing synchronize but so will specific EEG waves. For the one who is suffering the synchrony of events works as an analgesic. The greater the empathy between the two persons, the greater the synchrony and the greater the analgesic effect. The phenomenon is called interpersonal synchrony and implies that the two people become the physiological mirror of one another. If they are sitting in two adjacent rooms there is no synchrony. If they are in the same room with or without physical contact and both are well there is moderate synchrony. However, if one is not well the moderate synchrony vanishes and if at this point there is physical contact it returns strong and powerful and the suffering of the one who is not well diminishes. Thus, pain interrupts the normal moderate synchrony that two people who are fond of one another have and physical contact re- establishes and strengthens it. These results were seen in man woman couples in experimental situations. However, we all remember when as children we asked mum or dad to hold our hand in a moment of difficulty. By using ever more technological instruments for all our needs, we lose the habit of relying on the extraordinary tools we all have.

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