There is a correlation between the amazing ability humans have to learn and their rather long infancy. The almost total impossibility to look after oneself in the first years of life is a crucial step to have a huge future intelligence that underlies our ability to innovate/create and survive. Clearly, grandparents are an important part of the process. Besides looking after small children who are incapable of doing so on their own, they pass on knowledge and customs that span two generations. The development of art, agriculture, commerce, technology etc. in the last ten thousand years is largely due to the two life extremes: prolonged infancy + work of grandparents. The hunter-gatherer male with a woman who looks after the dead weight of the young and elderly, as the explanation for human development, is now surpassed. Instead, children and grandparents are a particularly strong combination to pass on info and prepare the future. Parents have the task of looking after the present looking for food, shelter and protection. The children-grandparents bond is an important part of cultural development and shows how each of the stages of life is important. Menopause in women is reached towards the middle of a woman’s life and researchers fail to explain why differently from other species people live so long after the age limit to have children. The answer seems to be that nature finds it more convenient that we have children to look after before as well as after menopause.

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