Eating a lot of processed foods may damage our health. For example, food that is rich in sugar may be harmful even of sugar is a carbohydrate which is indispensable for our good health. The problem is that our body is programed to process carbohydrates and not to receive already processed carbohydrates. Either way the glucose level (our fuel level) is guaranteed, but if the level is reached ‘effortlessly’ that is a problem and we risk becoming obese or diabetic. There are a number of other ‘facilitations’ that are also harmful. For example, if we allow machines to work for us (elevators taking us upstairs, cars to go down the road to get the paper etc.) this could favor the onset of heart, bone or muscle problems. Now, is the brain an exception? The enormous quantity of data we have at our fingertips on almost any topic is obviously helpful, but is it healthy for our brain? The huge ‘memory’ capacity of our smart phones allows us to find any piece of info without having to then remember it. Will we develop some form of mental diabetes due to over-info or brain-osteoporosis due to lack of use? I think it depends on our ideals. If the amazing detail of our weather forecasts helps to warn us about a serious climate change issue, then let us welcome what is known as Big Data, but if we use the info simply to decide whether to take our umbrella to the office, the future is bleak. If we use Big Data, or online language programs or distance learning to spread culture it is one thing, and if we use these resources to copy an already written essay for school, we might develop brain osteoporosis.

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