Children have a particularly long infancy during which they are incapable of looking after themselves. What is the purpose of being so inept for such a long period? For all animal species the longer infancy lasts and the greater is intelligence and learning ability. Innate behavior models work for animals that are born in specific evolutionary niches (savanna, forest, ocean) and must be effective from the first day of life. Humans instead, must be ready for any one of many possible environments they might encounter and thus cannot come with fixed behavior modules as occurs for gazelles, sparrows or fish. To be able to survive in the city, forest or desert in any season of the year, one cannot have one fit-all modules. For this reason, we are unready for any specific situation and we have to ‘study’ to get ready and for all this time we will not be ready and will be inept. Children are Research and Development of the human species and adults are Production and Marketing (Alison Gopnik, Department of Psychology, University of California).

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