At eighteen months of age infants understand the intentions of adults even when these are only hinted and not followed-up on. However, they do not understand the intentions of an inanimate model that copies the same actions performed by a person. Show a group of 18-month old infants a plate of broccoli and another group a plate of biscuits. An adult then says to the children of the first group: “The biscuits are delicious and the broccoli taste awful!”. Another adult comes in and says: “The broccoli is delicious and the biscuits taste awful”. The adults then ask the children to give them something to eat. Children this age will give biscuits to the adult who preferred biscuits and broccoli to the one who preferred broccoli. However, 15-month old infants will give biscuits to both adults because this is what they as children prefer and therefore what they think everybody should like. At 18 months of life, long before they can even speak, children communicate in a complex manner, they understand the intentions of others, they know that others may want different things from what they themselves want and they help them get what they want.

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